2022 Junior Fire Academy

Deputy Chief Robert Paul Retires

Pride Flag Raising

Juneteenth Celebration

On Saturday, June 18, 2022, members of the Woodbridge Fire Department and Woodbridge Fire Prevention Bureau attended the second annual Juneteenth Celebration on the concert grounds at Woodbridge High School. This event, presented by the Woodbridge Organization of Neighbors Advocating Change, commemorates the day the last remaining slaves in America were informed that they were freed following the Emancipation Proclamation. That occurred on June 19, 1865 in Galveston Bay, Texas and is not only an important moment in American history, but is notable because it occurred just under two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued.
Chief John Golden expressed his contentment with the Department’s further involvement in community events like this. “As I’ve said in the past, participation in events throughout the year is paramount in building a relationship with the residents of our district. The Juneteenth Celebration was an excellent event for our members to attend not just to spread fire safety and prevention information, but also because of the holiday’s historical importance. It prompts the desire for those that may not know to learn more about the meaning of the holiday itself and that can then be shared with others.”
The Department members handed out fire safety/prevention materials and giveaways and had turn out gear for attendees to try on. Engine 3 was also on site for all to see, to get a tour of the apparatus, and to enjoy pictures while seated inside.